20 Regions in 2 Years
An Italian Odyssey

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Welcome to the 20 Regions in 2 Years Project - The wild honeymoon idea of two Rome based newlyweds who share a lifelong passion for Italy, her past and present. But what is Italy in 2018? How do the Italians of today live, and how do they see their country? Join us in a Grand Tour of Italy, from the Alps to the Adriatic, from verdant Veneto to barren Basilicata, and from cicchetti to bistecche!
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Following the major outbreak of COVID-19, which has already claimed over 10,000 lives in Italy alone, all 20 Italian Regions are currently on strict lockdown to contain the virus.
This country, like a sadly growing number of others, is facing a crisis on a scale not seen since the Second World War, and we are doing our own little part by following lockdown measures. While the government measures may have temporarily separated us - Katrina and Edmund are currently in Australia, in the loving care of grandparents, and James is in Rome - we are all well, and wish the same for you, your friends and loved ones.
Until this darkness passes, we have no choice but to put on hold our final stages of the adventure, and consequently the countdown timer remains paused until restrictions are lifted. In the meantime we shall continue to update the journal, and be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook for something new everyday!
We wish to sincerely thank all of you for your kind messages of support, and look forward now more than ever to bringing the beauty of this exceptional land to you in the safety of your home. With 19 Regions explored so far, and Sicily still to go, be sure to subscribe not miss out!
To find out more, click on one of the boxes above to start exploring with us!
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18th December 2020 - Reunited at last!​
It was by sheer coincidence that Katrina and Edmund took off from Rome's Fiumicino airport in the early evening of the 9th March, 2020. But what was planned to be a two week flying visit to Australia was transformed by the ruthless spread of Coronavirus into a nine month enforced separation, forcing us to face the pandemic from the opposite ends of the world. As a result, when it was safe to do so, James embarked upon the closing chapters of our expedition alone, to explore the last gaps on our Italian map, and see the devastation wrought by the first wave of the virus, from the cities to the smallest hamlets of Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Sicily. On the 13th December, our quest came to a mask-clad end at the Feast of Santa Lucia in Palermo, celebrated with copious quantities of arancine! Five days later, we were at last reunited in the United Kingdom, our family whole and our adventure complete!
7th December 2020 - The Hills of Corleone!​
As the expedition phase of the adventure comes to an end, two years on, there is time for one last adventure, in the heartlands of Sicily. Speak the name of Corleone, and many non Italians will think of the fictional Mafia of Mario Puzo's The Godfather, while many Italians will think of the real Sicilian Mafia. Yet Corleone's violent recent history does ill justice to the beauty of this inland town, surrounded by some of the island's most dramatic and windswept landscape. Then just beyond, an enchanted forest, and the swansong of the House of Bourbon...